Cancellation And Refund Policy "Digital Centrics"

Cancellation Policy

"Digital Centrics" adopts different cancellation policies for its various services. Kindly refer to respective service agreements for more details on cancellation policy.

All cancellation requests must be submitted to the "Digital Centrics" via email. After receipt of your cancellation request, "Digital Centrics" will issue a confirmation email pertaining about your cancellation request and advise you on the further process within 24 hours. Your cancellation will not be deemed valid unless you get your cancellation email receipt from "Digital Centrics".

"Digital Centrics" reserves the right to DELETE Website Design & Development Files uploaded on the merchant(s)/client(s) server if the payments are not made on time, giving a prior notification to merchant(s)/client(s) and once the payment is done then "Digital Centrics" will upload the files on merchant(s)/client(s) server as well as will handover the logins if any with "Digital Centrics" and will request the merchant(s)/client(s) to change the passwords of logins if Website Design & Development done using the service "Digital Centrics" If the passwords are not changed by Merchants of their hosting or any logins then "Digital Centrics" is not responsible of it. If the passwords are not changed by Merchants after the logins are handed over to merchant(s) of their hosting or any logins then "Digital Centrics" is not responsible of it.

Refund Policy


"Digital Centrics"does not offer any refunds on management fees for the services rendered. "Digital Centrics" will act on the agreement signed upon (Accepted on email and / or signed electronically and / or physically signed) by the client and "Digital Centrics".


"Digital Centrics" does not offer any refunds on AD SPENT and /or NETWORK FEES which is paid by "client" directly to search engines for paid ads, paid ads on social media platforms, or on affiliate martketing network website(s).

"Digital Centrics" does not offer any refunds for the transaction charges paid to third parties, OR for the services already rendered OR any other miscellaneous charges which are non recoverable for "Digital Centrics".


"Digital Centrics" does not offer any refunds on Website Design & Development Service, Pay per click Management Fees, Conversion Rate Optimization Services Fees, Email Marketing Service Fees, Affiliate Marketing Service Fees paid to "Digital Centrics"


"Digital Centrics" reserves the right to DELETE Website Design & Development Files uploaded on the merchant(s)/client(s) server if the payments are not made on time, giving a prior notification to merchant(s)/client(s) and once the payment is done then "Digital Centrics" will upload the files on merchant(s)/client(s) server as well as will handover the logins if any with "Digital Centrics" and will request the merchant(s)/client(s) to change the passwords of logins if Website Design & Development done using the service "Digital Centrics" If the passwords are not changed by Merchants after the logins are handed over to merchant(s) of their hosting or any logins then "Digital Centrics" is not responsible of it.


"Digital Centrics" reserves the right to modify any provisions of the cancellation or refund policy without any notice.